Friday, September 7, 2012

Even a MILF Like Me Needs Sex

Whew boy, was I a horny lady! After my husband and I split, I had been on my own for a couple of years, and had not had one date. Needless to say I had not been with a man either.  God help me, one day I found myself eying my 250 pound car mechanic speculatively. I was just so incredibly horny. Now I know what Penelope must have felt like when her husband Odysseus (Ulysses) was gone for seven years.

For the last two years, I had spent all my time juggling a job, not to be mistaken for a career, and my young daughter.  I had been counting the days until she started to attend school full time. At least now I had a couple of afternoons a week to myself.  There was only one problem. All my free time tended to happen during a couple of split days in the middle of the week.  No possibility of any Saturday night prowling around bars like I used to be able  to do.

I was in this miasma of despair. I was horny, but I did not know what to do about it. I just kept existing from day to day. I had reached the point where I was going through a half dozen batteries a month for my vibrator!  It helped, but it did nothing to assuage your satisfaction. The feeling is not at all what you get when you are copulating with a hot, sweaty male. That is what the human body was engineered for, and I was not getting to take advantage of it. I was not doing what God intended! The difference is like having a TV dinner rather than eating out at a 5 star restaurant to my mind. It keeps you going on a moment to moment basis, but you never feel satisfied. When I caught myself dreaming about making love to Newt Gingrich one night, I knew I had to do something right away. At that point I had to admit it. I was insane!  I guess that sex deprivation can do that to you. It is the worst possible torture that you could ever inflict on someone.

I finally turned to the Internet to help me find some relief. The Internet was not my first choice, but all the usual venues for meeting men do not work during weekdays. Afternoon Bridge Clubs are great for meeting women like myself, but most of those places never have any men.. Even though I might be able to meet some retired guys, my objective was to have some mutual satisfying sex. I did not want to risk having their heart stop in the middle of a marathon sexual orgy with me. Church groups, clubs, bars – these were all evening things. There was just no normal place I could meet a man. Choosing the Internet for me was a matter of desperation.

I figured that I needed to be on some form of dating site, but which one? There were thousands of them. Page after page on google search results if you type in dating. The dating sites advertising on television were all about long term relationships, but I was looking for something more casual. I found out about (formerly plentyoffish) but I saw good and bad reviews of almost every dating site I could find. I was kind of lost. I stumbled on a couple of sites that rated other dating sites, but one in particular also had a lot of dating advice as well. They were kind of sketchy as to what their criteria was, but since I was in no position to second guess them, I ended up joining a few of the sites that they recommended.

Interestingly enough, POF and eharmony are not in their recommended sites. Match is. Much to my surprise, I was what was often referred to as a MILF!  I will not translate MILF to you because it is a street term, but I found that if I joined a site specializing in MILFs, that I would find men that are okay with the fact that I have a child.  Needless to say, I joined several of the sites on their MILF page.

I was astounded with the attention that I got. I am only an average looking woman to my mind, but I had men offering to date me on their first email to me.  What a rush!  I found out that Internet dating sites can work really well, but at first they do not. At first you will be swamped by tons of complete crackpots with keyboards. If you are patient though, you can block most of them so that the better healed ones can become more visible to you. Even with all that culling of morons, I was still left with hundreds of decent guys to select from. Since I was not looking for something permanent yet, I tried to focus in on the ones that were looking for a more casual sort of relationship. I mean, I did not want to single out one guy too soon. I was looking for some action and I wanted some variety in that action. No need to settle down right away.

That same reference site I talked about earlier also had a ton of articles about the dos and don't s of Internet dating. I learned that I had to be really careful not to let people know much about me before I was sure about them. Seems like deprived women like myself tend to get a little careless at times when in heat like I was. So I stayed cool, kept anonymous, and kept safe. Eventually I found four different guys who could meet with me on my terms. Two of them had jobs where they worked the weekend, so they had days off in the middle of the week as well. One was working in traveling sales and often found himself in my town in the middle of the week. The other was between jobs. Since I was only in it for the sex, I was only concerned if they were clean, healthy, had a good sex drive, and were disease free. I was in no way interested in a long term live in relationship with any of them. I just wanted my itch scratched, and scratched, and scratched … you get the drift here I'm sure.

Since I would always be meeting them in the middle of the afternoon, it was inherently safer than meeting at night. Still the same, I met each of them separately in crowded public places so I could get a better handle on them. You have no idea how hard it was for me to get through two or three dates each without rushing somewhere and ripping off their clothes. I did however, remember the warnings from the site and took my time.  The out of work guy and the salesman were not my cup of tea. I did not have anything in common with either of them, and really felt no emotional bond with them. In my books, no spark, no action, so I culled them from my small herd. The remaining pair are part of my weekly schedule now. I always meet one on Tuesday and I always meet the other on Thursday. Each of them are consummate lovers, so the sex is amazing! Seems that for this farm girl, two is variety enough. For now!

This all started about four months ago, and I am now scouting around on the dating sites for something more permanent. Since I have a couple of guys who are more like friends with benefits, I am able to take my time to finding the love of my life. I am in no hurry. This is any single woman's dream come true from my perspective. At least now I can look for guys who are available at regular times. I am more interested in the long term dating and long term prospects angle on this search. Wish me luck please!

By the way, if you are interested in the site that I found all those dating sites on, you can find it here:

Top 100 Dating Personals

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